Monday, 10 February 2014

Impact of Mothers Education on Family Size Survey Questionnaire

A. Profile of Respondent
1. Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. Address :…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Date of Birth / Age: ………………………………………………………………...
4. Place of Birth: ………………………………………………………………………….
5. Ethnicity: ………………………………………………………………………………….
6. Religion: ……………………………………………………………………………………
7. Occupation: ……………………………………………………………………………..
8. Husband’s Occupation: ……………………………………………………………..
9. Contact Number:…………………………………………………………………………
B. Educational Background
1. Did you attend school? Yes/No
    If yes please see 2 below, If no please see 3
2. (a) Name(s) of School(s)
                      School/Institution                                                               Year
I.                    …………………………………………                                        ……………………
II.                  …………………………………………                                        ……………………
III.                …………………………………………                                        ……………………
IV.                …………………………………………                                        ……………………
V.                  …………………………………………                                        …………………...
VI.                …………………………………………                                         ……………………
2. (b) What is the highest certificate obtained?
3. Do/Did you attend any adult literacy class? Yes / No
     If yes , for how long?

C. Matrimonial
1. Is this your first matrimonial home? Yes/No
    If yes please see 2, if no please see 3.
2. (a) When was this marriage contracted?
     (b) What was your age at the time ?
3. (a) When did you first get married ?
    (b) What was your age at the time ?
4. (a) Are you currently staying with your husband? Yes/No
     (b) If no, please indicate the duration for which you have not been with your husband.
5. Do you have co-wive(s)?

 D. Parenting
1. (a)How many children did you give birth to ?
    (b)How many of the children are alive ?
   Please give their names and dates of birth /ages below
Name                                                           Sex        Date of Birth /Age
        I.            ……………………………………………………..      ……...     ……………………………..
      II.            ……………………………………………………..      ……....    …………………………….
    III.                ………………………………………………...       ………     ……………………………..
    IV.            …………………………………………………….       ………      ………………………………
      V.            ……………………………………………………        ………      ………………………………
    VI.            ……………………………………………………       ……….      ………………………………
  VII.            …………………………………………………..        ………       ………………………………
VIII.            ……………………………………………………       …………   ……………………………….
    IX.            …………………………………………………..        ………..     ………………………………
      X.            …………………………………………………..       …………      ……………………………..
2. (a) When did you give birth to your first child ?
    (b) What was your age at the time ?
3.(a)How many children would you like to have ?

4.How many of your children are attending/attended school ?

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